5 Wt. Shootout

Written By: Pete - Photo By: Jamie Keown     

If any of you are like me you are always interested in the latest in fly rods and reels. While I am not always in the market for new gear, I am always fascinated in the technology changes and where the industry is going. If you are in the market and didn’t get that 9ft present you were hoping for then this is the article for you.

If you aren’t familiar with Yellowstone Angler’s shootouts you are in for a treat. It seems like a couple of times a year they take an in depth look at the market place and put a wide array of products to the test. If you’re looking for a new rod, waders, tippet, line, or reel their website is a great place to start. After all of the time I have spent online and reading magazines, this seems to be hands down the most in-depth review process I can find. In fact, when I purchased my Loomis NRX LP last year it was based mostly on its’ performance in the Yellowstone’s testing process.

Just released in December is their newest assessment of the 5 wt. rods. With over 29 rods tested ranging from under $200 to $795 it is the best market comparison I have seen to date. They test all of the rods using the same line, leader, and reel to avoid any variables and provide great insight. They also provide recommendations on the best rod in each price point.  Whether you are actively shopping for a new rod or just curious what is on the horizon for 2015 I would highly encourage you to check it out.


Happy New Year,
