JACOB | a stream of youth and talent

For those who are passionate about the sport of fly fishing, it is a very small community. I previously knew Jacob only through social media. With the less than modest social media handle of, "fly fishing master", i imagined a cocky, know-it-all millennial. But Jacob isn't that at all. Intermingled among his many Instagram and Facebook posts of fishing, were short videos of him playing guitar and drums. I was blown away by his ability and envious of his skills at his age. After running into him on a stream one day, I reached out to him afterwards via direct message on Instagram, set up a day to spend together on the river, and pitched him on telling me his story (with a twist of course).

We carried into the woods and down to the river: car batteries, a power inverter, an amp and guitar, plenty of fishing gear and several cameras to capture us thoroughly disturbing the peace in as many angles as possible. It's an unlikely combination, and if anyone else was on the river within earshot on the day of filming, I'm sure they were left scratching their head (or banging it). It was a great opportunity to connect with Jacob in the real world, outside of social media, learn more about him and his passion for fly fishing and music.